Monday, June 15, 2009

Vacation 2009--Costco and other musings

Today was the first "real" day of summer vacation.  The kids are still in school so it is always easier to get a little something else done.  

We cleaned up Krista's classroom.  One of the kids had decided to write "fuck Dornbush" on four or five desks as their final act of defiance.  It was some kid who had the student-teacher (the second part is very questionable) but could not handle the verbal judo that Krista doles out.  The funniest part were the posts she got on Facebook to defend her honor and kick the kids ass.  

Costco was disappointing.  We bought the needs, not wants, which is always a bit of letdown.  I always want to walk out of there with something that I absolutely have no business buying.  Something that if I come home with it I know everyone in the family will just look at me like I finally snapped.  The people watching quotient was kinda low today as well.  Usually the first day of the coupons brings a good crowd but this morning it was mostly the early dinner crowd getting a couple of things each.  And I really mean that.  The lady in front of us had two bags of oats and a bag of almonds.  I can't believe that her need was so great for those products that she had to get there early monday to make sure they were available.  Others had whole baskets full of toilet paper.  It is bizarre bordering on macabre as to what goes on at Costco.

Cal is incredibly bright.  He started a study today and had a very adult conversation with Patrice.  I don't think he understands all that goes on with what he has to say about things.  Just think of how much different it would be if he was exposed to, or watched the news on a nightly basis.  I love the fact that he pulled 11 books off the library shelves and that that will only last him a few days.  

Kylie has it figured out.  She is driven.  She understands a lot about what she wants to do and what she doesn't want to do.  I think she likes the idea of being a dentist.  She told me she wants to be a lot of things.  She will do what she wants I know that much for sure. 

I'm getting new shoes tomorrow so I can get back into shape.  I am way off target and it is really getting to me.  I'm having trouble with all aspects of my health and it is all weight related.  I know how I got here and I know how to get back.  I'll stop kicking myself in the head and simply do something about it instead of complaining.  Complaining is easy and doesn't solve a thing.  Action is what gets the work done.  

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