Sunday, June 28, 2009

The Doldrums of Summer

The kids have been out of school for 11, count that, 11 days and already have begun to mutiny.  Today Kylie was bored and Cal was tired.  Let's have a little recap of what they have done recently.

Kylie--on Wednesday went and played at Melinda's house for 3 hours before going to ice skating.  On Thursday went to a Roller Skating party.  On Friday went to Disneyland, her new painting class AND had a sleepover at Melinda's house.  Saturday she lazed a bit trying to catch up.  Today she was just bored (after having to be rousted out of bed at 9:30).

Cal--on Wednesday went to a friend's house the entire day.  He and Colin were given free reign on their bikes to explore all the Fountain Valley had to offer.  Thursday, not much really.  Played in the pool, read, played on his computer.  Friday, Disneyland and then stayed up till 10:00 watching Smackdown!  Saturday the pool again, a little bit of work around the house with dad.  Today, like his sister, out of bed at 9:30.  Went over and made a cool $50, his iPod Touch fund, working all afternoon for his grandmother cleaning and weeding.

I remember my mother telling me that I was simply not allowed to say I was bored during the summer.  I was at the pool, on my bike or playing a game with friends all summer long.  I didn't have to make phone calls because all of my friends were within walking distance or at the most a simple bike ride away.  No elaborate play dates or get-to-gethers.  Just go out and do something.  I can't remember so much as a shower during the summer prior to my teenage years simply because I spent so much time doing so many other things, and ended (began, never left) at the pool.

Kylie has ice skating four days a week minimum.  she now has this art class on Friday afternoons.  Mix in few other things and she is packed with stuff to do.  Cal will be in basketball camp in a week.  He has a lot of chance to make some $$$ here at home with the jobs I like to see get done, but don't like doing.  He will read all day or watch a screen of any kind all day if given the chance.  

I want both of them to be normal.  I want to be able to have some time to myself (I'm beside myself that it is still, even if only for a couple more days, June!) and read, write, workout, work on the house and generally have a good time.  I'm not bored.  I'm having the time of my life!  I guess it took me quite some time to get to this point.  I was trusted by my parents and older siblings to make the right choices when it came to going out and about.  I think I did a pretty good job.  I just want my kids to know how to handle the down time that comes with that dreaded place--the real world.

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