"Did you get my call yesterday? It was to confirm the appointment and talk about your insurance. Delta Dental says the kids are not covered."
The mere fact that she said insurance meant that there could be no good to come of it. I can't stand talking to anyone involved in my insurance. I don't trust them, I don't think they are honest and have not known too many cases when they deliver what they promise in a timely to you manner.
You know that insurance is a sham when the doctor/dentist charges 50 to 60 percent more to the insurance company than they would to you if you were paying cash. What a rig job. My family is extremely lucky with the coverage that we have because we don't have out of pocket expenses to worry about. Both my wife and I have our own coverage that also covers everyone else in the house. It is a joy, when it works, to just drive up to the pharmacy and drive away with the prescription without ever opening the wallet.
Because we have the exact same people and the exact same coverage and the exact same employer, I thought that today's conversation with my Delta Dental representative would have been a piece of cake. I explained the situation, clearly and calmly and asked what could be done to change it back to what it was before. "It's not our fault sir." Never mind that they had already been paying for things the last six years. Never mind that there has been no change in my employment status. Never mind the fact that my wife has the exact same coverage and hers is right.
I dispatched of the underling, who did try to pass me off to another underling, and was sent to the supervisor on the floor. My sarcasm level had grown by this point. I was no longer completely calm nor completely cool. The supervisor came on and gave me the same company line as before. She was not able to do anything because all they did was "adminster the benefits" (at this point I was trying to figure out what the benefit could possibly be). I again pointed out all of the EXACTNESS that was going on with my wife's benefits and wondered why the company simply couldn't put the check mark back into the boxes next to everyone so it looked like it did before the screw up. She wasn't authorized to make such a change.
I knew this conversation was done. I wanted one more shot, one posit of the truth, something that let me know that they did understand but feared for their job, no matter how crappy it was to deal with people like I was closely getting to be, that I asked the question that I knew they couldn't argue with.
"You see my logic with all of this don't you? I just need to know that you get all of what I've said here today"
"I see the similarities sir, but I can't do anything to change it. We have to get notification from your employer."
A patsy. A rube. A shill. She's just doing her job as she has been trained so that she can go home and pay bills each night. She wasn't the problem, the problem was the system. I called my insurance office at work. She told me there was no way that should of happened. No way that could of happened. She would call Delta and get it taken care of right away.
So when we talk about having control over things, it looks like that isn't always going to be the case. I can't believe that I spent as much time and energy on something like this only to have someone not see the point, not see the issue, not see the problem. It has been cleared up (thankfully). But you bet I called all the other insurances today as well.
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