My house does not have air conditioning. A large number of houses in Orange County, southern California really, do not have A/C. I live 4 miles from the beach in two separate directions. I should not need A/C. 355 out of 365 days a year I do not need it at all. It is those 10 days that I remember each and every year. Those 10 days that drive me crazy.
I went to Lowe's last night and purchased a portable A/C unit. In fact, I bought 2. I'm only using 1 of them at the moment, the nighttime temperature has been low enough to get the fans in the windows and get the fresh air in. This A/C unit has provided a nice little oasis in the house. It has given us a room to sit in and be comfortable during the day. We only need it for the next few days since we will be back at school next week (where even though we have had to cut everything else in the budget, we have not had to cut A/C yet). The wife and kids are watching a movie as the sunset happens, as I write, and as the rest of the world starts to cool off.
It is funny how the idea of tolerance works for people. For me it isn't about simply putting up with someone or something, it is the ability to actual live with that someone or something without wanting to tear them/it to shreds. I have come to the point in my life where I no longer will simply tolerate whatever it is around me. This has been part of my change, part of my growth, part of my new beginning.
When I went into work today, for the first time since summer started and the first time as a teacher NOT an administrator, I knew that I couldn't just tolerate what went on any more. If I need something, I'm going to get it. If I think a student can do more I will not tolerate them not doing more. It is not about confrontation it is about not settling for the mediocrity that so often comes with tolerance. I know better then to settle. I don't want to settle, I want what I believe is the best for me, my family and the jobs I must undertake each and every day.
Don't tolerate. Don't settle. Don't allow yourself to be in the easy rut that some of us dig and never get out of.
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