Monday, August 31, 2009

Back to Work

Teachers experience a strange phenomenon each year. We hurry and rush to put away everything and leave for vacation at the end of the year (I have never been one to come back during the summer) and then we spend 8-10 weeks on vacation only to have it come to a crashing halt in late August (where I work). The first day is one of meetings and greetings, unpacking and unloading, and the opportunity to say "this is the year I'll . . ." all over again.

I really like the people I work with. I may not always agree with them, I may not always think that they are getting things done the way I would, but they are all really good people. I do not hang out with them very much after school hours (I have kids and they are who I belong with), but I could. A lot of them are people that I could just simply call good friends. They would be there to help me in an instant, and I would be there for them as well.

Our Athletic Director, a great friend, just got married last year, bought a house this summer, and he and the wife are thinking about having kids right away. I'll help him move. I'll go volunteer at the MS Bike 150 because his mom is afflicted, I know that he is someone that will always go the extra mile and always do the right thing. Tim was one of the first people I met at Ocean View, we were teaching the same class for the first time and we needed to figure it out. It helped that we held so many common interests. He is a great guy.

There are many others--Shane (shame), Jimmy, Jim, Jeneane, Alison, Heather, Casey, Tim B., Julie, I could go on but the list would just keep growing. These people make each and every day at work a joy. They always will lift you up, they always know where you are coming from, they always know how to make things more fun. I'm lucky. I've worked in places where that is not the case. I've worked in places that you didn't know who you could, or should, count on. That is not the case at OVHS. It has always been my favorite school, of the four I've been at.

When I got to work today it felt good. When I listened to out new principal, I felt good. When I was left to take care of my classroom it made me feel good. I saw a lot of happy people today. I found a lot of people who are ready to go this school year. I know that I am ultimately in control of my own happiness, however it is great to go to work and know that I will be greeted with smiles and laughs and stories to carry me through all 183 school days.

I'm glad that I'm unpacked. I know that I'll be able to pack away a number of stories from such a great group of friends. I also can't wait to pack up and be done for another year.

1 comment:

  1. Sweet note Chris. You are the first person I saw this morning and the first person to tease me, of course, but not the only. It was a great greeting and I am glad to call you my friend. Here's to 182 great days!
