Friday, September 4, 2009

Leaving Early

I'm at home. It is 1:28 pm on a Friday and I am at home. I left work early to get here. I didn't miss a class, I don't have any classes after lunch. I'm giddy with excitement over the fact that I'm not at work right now. I have everything there under control and ready to roll. I have worked well to prepare good lessons, well prepared lessons, things that I know kids need lessons. I'm taking this time and I am going to enjoy it.

It is such a guilty pleasure to be in this situation. I have never been one to ask for very much from my school when it comes to my teaching schedule. I've pretty much been a wherever you need me kind of guy. This year was no different except I was able to get a really sweet gig. I ended up with classes I wanted as well as this glorious early weekend starter. I probably shouldn't even be writing this because there are teachers at my school who read this. I know that they will take an extra period now and then when they can as well.

It isn't like I'm going to do this every single 5th period for the rest of the year. Most of the time I'll be in my room grading papers and making phone calls and doing the teacher stuff that has to be done. I'm a lot more efficient at getting the work done then I ever was before (that is immediate and plain to me), and it is giving me the time to sit back and enjoy a few extra hours to my weekend. On a Friday I'm usually ready to be in bed and asleep by 8:00, these extra 2 hours will really make no difference in that at all. It will just give me a couple of hours to sit and decompress while my own kids are still in school. It will just make me a happier person. 2 hours is easily worth all of that.

So I'm going to go an sit on the couch and read my book with the A/C and fan combo we have going (since it is still intolerably hot), a glass of ice water and not a thought of school in my head. It feels pretty good to be home early every once in awhile.

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